Saturday, May 14, 2011

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In these difficult times, businesses everywhere are searching for ways to improve their image. This article documents a few of the little known advantages of VOIP business phone systems. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) business systems offer one clear advantage over old fashioned premise based business phone systems. This advantage comes from the fact that VOIP business systems are generally located somewhere on the internet, and thus can communicate with all other internet attached systems.

What this means in practice is that phone extensions for your business can be located anywhere on the planet (where there is an internet connection). Businesses generally rely on good relations with four groups of individuals, customers, vendors, employees, and investors. Smart well managed businesses try to maximize the strength of the relationship with each of these groups.
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VOIP phone systems, internet connected, allow a business to provide low cost phone service to individuals in all of these groups. For example, you could provide extensions for all of your important vendors, which would allow them to call you simply by dialing your extension, and pay nothing for the call.

Employees can be given business extensions, and may be allowed to make long distance calls on the company nickel. It also means they can be reached any time they are needed, no matter where they might be. So key executives on a major new project may be reached while on the road, or at home.

Investor relations can be improved by giving investors, directors, and board members their own phone extensions, which can be used to make business related calls anywhere in the world, and have them automatically billed to the company. It also allows members of this group to contact executives of the business with ideas, concerns, competitive intelligence, all of the things a growing vibrant business needs to know every day.

In a nutshell, business VOIP systems allow you to expand the reach and functionality of your business phone system to encompass important members of the business team, no matter where in the world they may be. Adding important team members to your phone system may improve relationships with all key groups.

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